Visiting a facility like ours for the first time can be intimidating – but, no worries – we know what it's like to climb for the first time. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or new to climbing, Kinetic has what you need. Best of all, we’ll have you climbing in less than 5 minutes! Here’s what to expect when you arrive.
- We’ll have you sign a waiver. You can also sign up online here.
- You can purchase your day pass or buy a membership which allows you to climb or workout in our workout area.
- You can rent whatever you need from us, like climbing shoes or chalk.
As a first-time visitor, you'll learn how to boulder safely and to ensure that, as a new climber, you’ll have a great experience. Scroll down to find some of the tips covered in your lesson.
- Learning how to fall safely is an important first step in learning how to boulder. Landing feet first and with your knees bent will help prevent injury.
- Don’t break your fall with your arms or hands. No straight arms when falling on your side.
- Use a spotter to make sure your landing area stays clear. More advanced spotting techniques can help prevent injury when falling from an awkward or overhung position.
- Never climb underneath other climbers.
- Never climb with your bare feet.
- YES! It is okay to climb down climbing before jumping off the wall.
- Don’t cut in line. Treat others as you’d like to be treated and make new friends!
- Don’t leave gear in the fall zone. Makes sense, right?
- Don’t climb a route that crosses a route with someone already on it.
- Avoid running or screaming.
- Help one another out. Prevent others from walking under other climbers to avoid potential injury.